a telephone and papers on a wall

Surgical Consent Form

Save time during your next appointment! Complete your required form online from any device at any time before your visit.

Surgical Consent Form

Please complete this form as completely and accurately as possible so we can get to know you and your pet(s) before your visit.
You can download the Surgical Consent Form in PDF format. Once downloaded, you can quickly complete the form with the necessary information.


Anesthesia options: (Please initial both)

Clear Signature
Clear Signature

Pre-anesthetic blood testing: For additional safety during the procedure, blood work is HIGHLY recommended.
(**Mandatory blood work is required for all animals over 5 years of age**)
(Please initial both: The doctor will discuss which bloodwork will be performed with you prior to testing)

Clear Signature

Opciones de Anestésia: (Por favor Iniciale en Ambos)

Clear Signature
Clear Signature

Análisis de sangre preanestésico: Para mayor seguridad durante el procedimiento, se recomienda encarecidamente un
análisis de sangre.
(**Se requiere un análisis de sangre obligatorio para todos los animales mayores de 5 años.**)
(Por favor Iniciale en Ambos: El médico discutirá qué análisis de sangre se realizará con usted antes de la prueba.)

Clear Signature